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Liteseed Network is a Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN) to upload data onto Arweave.

In simpler terms, the Liteseed Network is a network of bundlers. With Liteseed, you can upload large amounts of data onto Arweave without trusting a third-party service.

liteseed network

Arweave is Permanent Data Storage

Arweave is a blockchain that unlocks permanent data storage. For a fee, you can make some data permanent, essentially a Bitcoin for data.

Permanent Data Storage - Faster

Permanent data storage is a massive deal. It means you can upload something and have a guarantee that your data will exist forever. However, throughput - data uploaded per second is still a challenge.


Bundlers are a solution to the throughput problem - data uploaded per second is still a challenge. They make it possible to upload a large amount of data onto Arweave. You get the additional benefits of cheaper uploads and faster indexing.


However, there exists no such thing as a free lunch. Using a bundler has several limitations - Running a bundler is not accessible Bundlers are hard to scale Data sent to a bundler is not private Third-party services are centralized


The goal of Liteseed is to make permanent data accessible while following the ethos of decentralization at its core. We acknowledge that there are many inherent complications with building a network. Things like network design, privacy, and security become a concern. Both for us - the creators and the users.

To address these problems Liteseed is built on AO. AO is a hyper-parallel computing platform built on top of Arweave. AO handles scaling and security so Liteseed can focus on network design and privacy.

Where to go from here?